RTS Line Of Sight Plotting

Line of Sight and 360 Degrees Coverage
We provide professional Line of Sight Plotting services to get the best data coverage from our towers.
Below is an example of a site in Bloemfontein and the expected coverage is a 5.8 GB 100mW signal with a 24db omni antenna on a RTS N450 15m Self-Support Tower.
The Line of Sight coverage is indicated in green.

Below are the Line of Sight Plotting calculations between Ha Lejone and Butha Buthe in Lesotho.
The calculations are adjusted according to the curvature earth and determined with omni unity gain antennas on both sites.
The Ha Lejone site utilizes a 9m RTS N450 Self-Support Tower where the Buthe site uses a 12m RTS N450 Self-Support Tower, both sites are solar powered.